Schaffner EMC, Inc. 配給業者

Schaffner EMC, Inc. 会社概要

Schaffner EMC, Inc.

Schaffner EMC, Inc. - Schaffner is the international leader in the fields of electromagnetic compatibility and power quality, supplying components that support the efficient and reliable use of electric energy. Customers benefit from the technological know-how of the Schaffner Group in the development, manufacturing and marketing of high-performance products that offer optimized and fault-free operation and compliance with all major quality and performance standards. +More With its products and services, the Schaffner Group plays a key role in promoting technologies that support renewable energies, ensures the reliable functioning of electronic equipment and systems and meets the requirements for greater energy efficiency. With its EMC and power quality components and modules plus a wide range of services for equipment manufacturers and systems integrators, the Schaffner Group strives for market leadership in all product and service categories. -Less

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