NMB Technologies Corp. 配給業者

NMB Technologies Corp. 会社概要

NMB Technologies Corp.

NMB Technologies Corp. - NMB Technologies Corp. headquartered in Novi, Michigan, NMB Technologies Corporation was founded in September 1968 as the sales and marketing arm for its parent company, Minebea Co., Ltd. From the beginning, NMB has believed in creating strong partnerships with our customers. This commitment to our customers is demonstrated by making available local application engineers, knowledgeable direct sales, and partnering with world class distributors and local representatives who know our products and its quality inside out. +More As part of the Minebea Group of Companies, NMB Technologies Corporation places a global manufacturing powerhouse in the hands of our customers. With R & D and manufacturing facilities located in Thailand, Cambodia, China, Singapore, Japan, Europe and North America, and over 60,000 people employed world wide, the NMB/Minebea Group of Companies remains a world leader in the design and manufacturing of electro-mechanical components. At NMB, our commitment to our customers compels us to protect the supply chain, drive cost efficiency, and hold quality to the highest standard. Quality in our people, quality in our services, and quality in our products continues to be our primary component. -Less

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によって作られた関連部品 NMB Technologies Corp.