NetBurner, Inc. 配給業者

NetBurner, Inc. 会社概要

NetBurner, Inc.

NetBurner, Inc. - NetBurner is a leading provider of software, hardware, tools and design services that will speed your development of Network/Internet enabled products. +More We are a single source for hardware, software, development kits, tools, technical support and custom design services. These elements are combined in a unique package that lets you concentrate on developing your product instead of reinventing network protocols and designing hardware. NetBurner solutions also allow you to reduce risk and improve functionality with a complete proven design, including hardware, TCP/IP Stack, RTOS and all necessary tools. Whether you want to design your own hardware, or are looking for a standard off-the-shelf network solution, we provide the software, hardware and tools to get your product to market in the shortest possible time. -Less

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